To access information about your accounts, transfer funds, find out what checks have cleared your account and more, use our telephone banking system 24 hours a day. No enrollment is necessary. Call at your convenience.
It's Easy
Dial 814-946-0857, then option 2 to enter the telephone banking system.
- Enter your base ARC account number followed by the # sign
- Enter your PIN number followed by the # sign.
If it is the first time you have used telephone banking the system will prompt you to create your 4-digit PIN.
- Use the chart below or listen for instructions to retrieve your desired information.
Telephone Banking Options
1 |
Account Balances and Transaction History |
1 |
Balances |
2 |
History of Deposit |
3 |
History of Withdrawals |
4 |
Total Dividends received year-to-date |
5 |
Cleared Drafts |
6 |
Active Loans |
7 |
All Account Transactions |
2 |
Phone Transfers/Check Withdrawals |
1 |
Transfers |
2 |
Check Withdrawal |
3 |
Loan Payment Calculations |
1 |
Calculate Loan Payment |
2 |
Calculate Amount to be Borrowed |
4 |
Special Services |
1 |
Change Pin |
2 |
Changes to Another Account Number |
3 |
Active Loans |
4 |
Stop Payment |
9 |
Help |
*Please Note - If you select option 5 and do not hear a check listed, it may be because some checks are clearing electronically. You could choose option 7 to hear all account transactions, that will list all the recent activity on your account.
For additional information about ARC’s Telephone Banking, please call us at 814-946-0857 option 3