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Money Matters

Follow along monthly with our step-by-step guide to learn how to take control of your finances so they don’t control you. The fourth Saturday of each month in 2024, ARC will air our Money Matters segment on WRTA at 12pm. You can listen/stream the show as it airs, or listen to the recording after 1:00 PM. You can listen to previous shows by clicking their images and read their corresponding articles by clicking the titles below:

Note: Monthly article is available to access before our podcast airs.

Zoe's Corner

Check out our Zoe’s Club podcasts, recorded for us by Ms. Davine. These topics tie into our financial wellness materials available through our youth accounts’ Zoe’s Club program. The recordings are between 25-35 minutes long; they are also very helpful for older teens and young adults as they enter the workforce.

Zoe's Club logo. Zoe the dog standing over the words, "Zoe's Club: Saving money with style"

Zoe the dog driving a car

Creating a Successful Career

Finding Your Career Path

Customer Service Training 101

Money Doesn't Grow on Trees

Mentoring in the Workplace

4 H's of Finance

Time Management

Starting a Small Business